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Commercial Arbitration. Elementary Handbook on Scholarly Pragmatism | Autor: Bobei Radu Bogdan


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Mr. Bobei sits as arbitrator (presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator) under various Rules of Arbitration (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (1976, as revised in 2010), ICC Rules, DIS Rules, VIAC Rules, LCIA Rules). Mr. Bobei is also acting as counsel on matters concerning European private international law.


Mr. Bobei has published a number of books, studies, articles, national reports, translations of Romanian Case Law such us:

A. Books

A.1. “Domestic and international arbitration (Texts. Commentaries. Mentalities)”, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013;

A.2. “Commentary of the Law no.105/1992 with regard the Romanian private international law”, Rosetti Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005;

A.3. “Characterization and the conflict of characterization in private international law”, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005;

B. Studies, Articles, National Reports, Translations of Romanian Case Law

B.1. “Court Decisions on the New York Convention 1958 (Chapter “Romania”)”, in “ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration” (volume XXXVIII, 2013), Wolters Kluwer Publishing House, The Hague (Netherlands), 2014, 446-447, 448-450;

B.2. “Some remarks with regard to the developing content of the arbitration agreement. Expert Arbitration procedure”, in “Tretskii Sud” (Russia), 4(76), 2011, 145-154;

B.3. “Case Law” (Romanian Chapter), in “Electronic Bulletin of the European Court of Arbitration” (Italy), 1, 2011, 6-7;

B.4. “New Trends in Arbitral Proceedings”, in “Newsletter Arbitration” (International Bar Association Legal Practice Division), USA, 2009, 61-62;

B.5. “Recent Amendments and Current Developments of Romanian Arbitration Law”, in “Bulletin Arbitrazowy” (Bulletin of the Polish Court of Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce of Poland), 10, 2009, 105-117;

B.6. “Current Status of International Arbitration in Romania” (National Report), in “Yearbook of Private International Law” (Switzerland), vol.10, 2008, 473-491;

B.7. “Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in Russian and Romanian Arbitration Practice”, in “International Commercial Arbitration Journal” (Russia), 2, 2008, 54-73.

Professional activity

Mr. Bobei is lecturer on commercial contracts at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law

Pretul nostru: 90.00 Lei (RON)



1. Introductory Remarks

2. Concept of “International Commercial Arbitration”

3. Arbitration Agreement

4. Composition of Arbitral Tribunal

5. Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal

6. Conduct of arbitral proceedings

7. Making of Final Arbitral Award and Termination of Arbitral Proceedings

8. Costs of Arbitration

9. Application for setting aside the Final Arbitral Award and any other Arbitral Award

10. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

Titlul cartii: Commercial Arbitration. Elementary Handbook on Scholarly Pragmatism
Numele autorului/lor: Bobei Radu Bogdan
Editura: C.H. Beck
Data aparitiei: 31 Ianuarie 2014
Numar de pagini: 288
ISBN: 978-606-18-0310-1
Tip coperta: Brosata
Pret intreg (Pretul de coperta afisat de producator): 90
Formatul de livrare: Carte in format tiparit


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