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  • Code: 978-606-27-0340-0
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Price: 39.00L
: Teste-grila de drept procesual penal | Examen de licenta, admitere in profesie, definitivat, promovare |
: Amalia Andone-Bontas
: Hamangiu
: 14.07.2015
: 320
: 978-606-27-0340-0
: Brosata
: 39.00
: Carte in format tiparit

by Admin, 15 Jul 2015

Despre autor: Amalia Andone-Bontas este, in prezent, judecator la Tribunalul Bucuresti, director adjunct la Scoala Nationala de Grefieri si formator la Institutul National al Magistraturii.


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