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  • Code: 978-606-673-634-3
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Price: 39.00L
: Teste-grila pentru examenele de admitere in profesiile juridice. Drept procesual civil. Editia a 2-a
: Andreea Ciurea, Andrea-Annamaria Chis
: Universul Juridic
: 07.07.2015
: 230
: 978-606-673-634-3
: Brosata
: 39.00
: Carte in format tiparit

by admin, 14 Jul 2015

Sunt luate in considerare modificarile aduse Codului de procedura civila prin Legea nr. 138/2014, Decizia Curtii Constitutionale nr. 462/2014, Decizia Curtii Constitutionale nr. 558/2014.


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