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06 Jul 2018

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02 Dec 2014

  • Code: 978-606-27-0312-7
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Price: 270.00L
: Noul Cod de procedura penala comentat. Editia a 2-a | Autori: N. Volonciu s.a.
: Nicolae Volonciu, Andreea Simona Uzlau, Raluca Morosanu, Georgiana Tudor, Daniel Atasiei, Corina Voicu, Cristinel Ghigheci, Victor Vaduva, Teodor-Viorel Gheorghe, Catalin Mihai Chirita
: Hamangiu
: 09. 07.2015
: 1560
: 978-606-27-0312-7
: Cartonata
: 270
: Carte in format tiparit

by Admin, 13 Jul 2015

Autorii au completat comentariile initiale cu noi analize ale problemelor dezbatute in doctrina si in procedurile judiciare, inserand, acolo unde a fost cazul, si extrase din jurisprudenta relevanta.


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